What are steps in a strategy journey?
Environmental Analysis
Organisational Assessment
Formulate Strategy
Strategic Direction
Strategic Plans
Conduct Analysis
Plan Implementation
It balances opportunities and constraints to craft an array of strategy options
Keep pace with today's dynamic market
We focus on your most critical issues and opportunities and develop a perspective.
Contains a simple message and sense of reality
Flexible to changing conditions
Balance the forest and the trees
We take a comprehensive approach to make your strategy crisp, concise, clear, direct and specific. We raise your ambition and identify a long term goal (e.g. gain market share, improve profit margin). We make sure it is achievable and realistic with your success in mind.
We believe some strategies are designed to be too rigid and/or complex and hence not executed. Strategy should be able to adapt to changing conditions.
We focus on the CORE. Successful organizations see improved results from paring down their strategic goals. A good strategy both zoom out to the big picture and zoom in to the specifics needed to achieve it. We understand the importance of balance and we provide both to create the value.
What makes a successful strategy?
How we work with clients?
We quickly and effectively frame your strategy questions to find valuable answers.
We prepare for various futures (including unexpected) by using scenario planning.
We conduct market research and analyse business trend to understand competitors’ and customers' perspectives to plan strategy.
We prepare business case to predict business outcomes based on the planned strategy.
We work with your company to track strategy implementation.
We update the strategy according to changing market need.